Wednesday, 11 January 2017

The workout which killed me..

I went to the gym tonight with my flatmate and didn't really have a routine planned before which led to me mashing up a load of different moves into a semi decent routine, but it turned out to be insanely good and half way through even I had to take a break and rethink it for next time. But I'm feeling super good now so I thought I'd share what I did here!

I did the exercises in HIIT style so as much as I could in the time so it would make me equally sweat & work!

I started of with 10 minutes on the treadmill, I set the incline to max and had the speed at around 5 so that I was briskly walking rather than running as I seriously hate running and most cardio so it's the closest I'll get to it! Plus it helped stretch my legs and warm up the joints in my legs as I usually get clicky knee's and joints when I do certain exercises.

Crunches - 30 seconds
10 second break
Alternate heel touches - 30 seconds
10 second break
Bicycle crunches - 30 seconds
10 second break
Reverse crunch - 30 seconds
10 second break
Russian twist (with 5kg weight) - 30 seconds
10 second break
Flutter kicks - 20 seconds
10 second break
Lying leg raise - 20 seconds
10 second break
Plank - 60 seconds or two 30 seconds
20 second break
Plank jacks - 30 seconds

I did this through twice and then followed with a few moves using my resistance loop bands followed by weighted equipment in the gym & a warm down 10 minutes on the cycling machine!

I'm hoping soon I can film/ photograph the moves so it's easier to follow or even attempt to draw some diagrams for future posts like these.

Food wise I haven't made anything too exciting and shareable but tonight I had a really healthy feeling dinner which was also super filling.

I simply steamed quite a large handful of broccoli florets and let a handful of pasta cook and added rosemary salt for a bit more flavour, then when plating up I laid a bunch of raw spinach (hate the texture of it cooked!) on the bottom of a bowl and then added the pasta and broccoli, and sprinkled with some parmesan and topped with a squeeze of lemon! Pasta is one of my favourite foods but as I usually lather it in pounds of grated cheddar cheese I tried to make it a little more nutritious which worked and will definitely be lunch tomorrow from the leftovers.

Thanks for reading,
Chloe x

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