Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Summer beauty favourites 2019.

Thought it'd only be right to start off the blog posts again with an end of summer reflection on some of the beauty bits and bobs I've picked up over the past few months and been loving. Summer is a weird time for makeup, most people ditch it all together and go barefaced and let the sun give them a beautiful radiant glow and let all the cute little freckles surface. However I'm more of a 'let's do a natural summer makeup look', but before you know it I'm sweating a heavy pink eyeshadow look out with winged eyeliner that I've accidentally over done to the point I could probably take off. To be fair, British summer is pretty gross anyway, more humid and sticky on the good days or just not hot enough on the bad days, or in Cornwall, mostly rain. 

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Back for good?

Fast forward two years since my last post on this blog, I have decided to start this up again. A lot has happened, I've finished university, in fact I'm graduating next Friday! And I've started the search for a 'real' job, as technically now I'm out of education for good, I'm basically unemployed, yikes. Stay tuned for the posts to come, resuming from the beauty/fashion/lifestyle posts I was creating before, with a dash more fitness content.

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